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Physical activity promotes healthy baby development. Studies show that babies of active Mums are healthier, less likely to become obese and do better academically. Fit Mum=Fit baby!

According to current guidelines, women who have uncomplicated pregnancies should be encouraged to engage in aerobic and strength-conditioning exercise before, during and after pregnancy.

Exercise in pregnancy is safe if done in moderation. Exercise improves physical fitness and aids faster postnatal recovery. It was found to reduce incidence of insomnia, stress, depression, obesity, pre-term labour, lower back and pelvic girdle pain, incontinence, and diastasis recti (tummy muscles separation). The benefits are endless!

Safe activities in pregnancy- Don`t bump the bump!


Stationary cycling

Low impact aerobics

Modified yoga ad Pilates

Running or jogging

Strength training

Racquet sports

Unsafe activities:

Contact sports (ice-hockey, football, boxing)

Skiing, horse riding, off-road cycling (high risk of falling)

Scuba diving

Hot yoga and Pilates

Where should you start if you have never been exercising regularly?

  • Get a green light from you Obstetrician
  • Start gradually. Research suggests sedentary women and those not used to exercise should commence physical activity after 12-13 weeks
  • 15 min, 3 times /week & progress to 30 min on most days
  • Monitor you heart rate or use Talk Test (you should be to talk in full sentence while exercising)

How much exercise should you be getting?

  • it depends on your current fitness level, the recommendations will be slightly different for sedentary, non-regular- exerciser and athlete women.
  • However, 30min or more of moderate exercise/day should occur of most, if not all, days of the week
  • Research supports starting or continuing with exercise to gain the health benefits associated with physical activity.

What to avoid during exercises?

  • Avoid supine position (on your back) during 2nd and 3rd trimester if you experience symptoms of inferior vena cava compression (sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness). Vena cava is a large vein that carries blood and oxygen to your baby. Use a ball or few pillows to achieve supported incline position of 45 degrees (half sitting)
  • Safe positions are standing, sitting, high kneeling, side lying, four-point kneeling.

Mariola ❤

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