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It is important to get the right muscles working in the right way, so find your pelvic floor muscles first.  

Pelvic floor lie across the base of your pelvis to help keep the bladder, uterus and bowel in the correct position.

Correct activation: Drawing in from the back (as if you are trying to stop yourself going to the toilet) and lifting upwards and forwards (as if you were gripping a tampon or as if to stop the flow of urine). Try not to hold your breath. Let your muscles relax fully after each contraction.

At first, do it quickly, tightening and releasing/ dropping the muscles immediately (like a ‘stone in the water’’)

Then, do it slowly, holding the squeeze for 10 sec before you release fully.

Try to do 2-3 sets of 10 reps of each and notice how it feels.

Still unsure if you do it right? If you have any question, please leave a comment below.

Mariola ❤

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