Congratulations, new mom! The journey of motherhood is a beautiful and transformative one, but let’s address the elephant in the room – postpartum back pain. It’s a common struggle for many new mothers, and understanding its roots is the first step towards relief. So, grab a cup of tea, find a comfy spot, and let’s dive into the world of postpartum back pain.
The “New Mom Posture”
Picture this: you’ve transitioned from your pre-baby routine to the 24/7 hustle of caring for your precious little one. Whether you’re bottle feeding or breastfeeding, you’ve unintentionally adopted the “new mom posture.” Your head is down, neck muscles are working overtime, mid-back muscles are feeling weak, and your core? Well, it’s not as strong as it used to be. The result? The infamous slouch.
Contributing Factors:
- Core Weakening: Pregnancy naturally weakens the core muscles, making it easier to adopt a slouched posture.
- Fatigue: Sleepless nights and round-the-clock baby care contribute to exhaustion, amplifying back pain.
- Hormonal Changes: Hormones like relaxin, lingering postpartum, affect connective tissues, adding to the challenge.
- Limited Movement: As you prioritize your baby’s needs, you may find yourself slouching more and moving less to aid your body’s healing process.
Top 4 Postpartum Exercises for Mid Back Pain
Now, let’s combat that discomfort with targeted exercises designed to strengthen and relieve mid-back pain. You can watch me do them here.
- Pull down with band: Kneel down, with good posture. Secure an exercise band – a door handle works perfectly for this. Hold the band in both hands, and pull your elbows down towards your sides. At the same time, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Relax as you let your arms go back up. By performing this exercise, you will strengthen the muscles situated next to the shoulder blade, to help posture and shoulder blade stability. Repeat 10×2
- Lift &Stretch: Kneel or Stand up, and hold an exercise band in front of your chest. Lift your arms up and over your head. Stretch the band behind your upper back and come back to the starting position. Repeat 10×2.
- Band stretch: Kneel or Stand up, and hold an exercise band in front of your chest. Your arms should be at shoulder level. Bring your arms backward in line with your shoulders at 90-degrees. This is a strengthening exercise for the shoulder blade area. Repeat 10×2
- Child pose: Kneel down on the mat, and rest your buttocks on your heels. Use the exercise ball if you can. If you don`t have one-not to worry! As you keep your buttocks on your heels, roll forwards and slide your arms forward creating a gentle stretch and lengthening in your back.
Additional Tips: Beyond these exercises, consider a visit to a women’s health physio & massage for personalized care. Don’t forget the therapeutic power of heat – a hot bath or heating pad can work wonders for that persistent mid-back pain.
A word from a women`s health physio.
Dear new mom, you’re doing an incredible job! Embrace these exercises, seek professional guidance, and remember to pamper yourself. It’s time to conquer postpartum back pain and continue living loud!
Whether you’re wanting to avoid postpartum back problems or overcome them, I’m here for you.